Dhaka Metropolitan city has now become
one of the crowded and densely populated mega cities in the world. By
developing Flats/Apartments as a permanent resident it will be easier to reduce
the pressure of population of this city. Large number of people resides
permanently in Dhaka city for various purposes. Focusing the need of housing especially
for lower and middle income group of people, the Ministry of Housing and Public
Works of the Government of Bangladesh took initiative to build several
multi-storied residential complexes and satellite cities around the Dhaka city
through planned urbanization. The RAJUK Uttara Apartment Project is one of these

In line with the categorical
acceptance a Development Project Proposal (DPP) for construction of around
22000 apartments for middle and lower income group of people at sector-18,
Uttara, Dhaka has been recommended at inter-ministerial meeting at ministry of
Housing and Public Works on 28th February, 2010. On 25th April, 2000, the RAJUK
Uttara Apartment Project (3rd phase) had been accepted categorically
by ECNEC. The foundation stone of the Project was laid by the Hon’ble Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina on 21st April, 2010. DPP of the Project has been
approved on 10th October, 2011. On total 214.44 acres of land at Uttara 3rd
Phrase Project, Sector-18, approximately 240 nos. 16 storied Apartment Building
including one basement floor comprising about 20,160 nos flats were supposed to
be constructed.
Location of the RAJUK Uttara Apartment
The Project is situated at sector 18
of Uttara, Dhaka covering Block A, B & C. The main approach is from
Ashulia-Mirpur Flood Protection Embankment Road and Sonargaon Jonopath of
Uttara Model Town. There is a plan in future, this project approach will be
connected directly to the Jashim Uddin Road of Uttara Model Town. In addition,
there are two stations of MRT (Central & South) within the range of walking
distance of the project area.
According to their design, tenders
were called in 2012 in a conventional manner for 79 nos 16-storied buildings of
Block-A. The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the buildings of
Block-A of the project through video conferencing on the 1st November, 2018. A
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed with the Special Envoy Office of
Malaysian Government on October/2011 for implementing Block-B & C with
Technical and Financial assistance in design-build-transfer mode. According to
that 1st revision of DPP incorporating all necessary issues, such as: flat
size, procurement mode (G to G) of Block-‘B’ & ‘C’ and duration of the
project was sent to Ministry for approval from ECNEC. To comply above
condition, necessary data and information are included in RDPP and after
detailed examination, it has got approved from Ministry of Planning on
April/2018. The statistics of Buildings and flats as per approved RDPP are as

Design & Supervision of RAJUK Uttara
Apartment Project:
- Sub-Soil investigation has been done
by Housing and Building Research Institute and structural design done by Public
Works Department considering all earthquake risk parameter in this region
according to the guidelines of Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC).
- Considering the modern architectural
concept, Department of Architecture (DOA) has prepared the detail Architectural
- Experienced engineers of RAJUK &
PWD are supervising the project ensuring the quality of construction work.
Facilities at RAJUK Uttara Apartment Project:
- Approximately 55% of the land area of
the entire project has been kept open for playgrounds, parks, greeneries, roads
- There are one primary school, one high
school, one central mosque, convention halls, commercial spaces, super shops,
showrooms and kitchen market in each block.
- Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) has
already been provided in each building and in some cases for each cluster for
- All services lines (Water Supply,
Electricity, Cable TV, Telephone, Internet etc) will run through underground.
- Rain Water Harvesting System has been
provided in each building for Car washing, Gardening & Ground Recharging.
- 5-Deep Tube Wells have been installed
in project area (Block-A) for ensuring water supply.
- There are sufficient parking
facilities in this project area.
- 12 Bio-digester Plants have already
been set up for Solid Waste Management at Block-A.
- Supply of LP Gas has been ensured
through pipe lines by installing cylinder bank in reticulated system.
Utility Connection:
- Dhaka WASA has already been completed
the installation of Deep Tube Well and Water supply pipe networking for
Block-A. House hold connection has also been done for 73 buildings.
- Natural Gas supply is off as
government order. As such LP Gas is being provided through MS pipe in
reticulated system installing Cylinder Bank.
- DESCO has already been provided
electricity through 11KV Ring Main Unit in the project.
Facilities inside the Building’s &
Apartment of the RAJUK Uttara Apartment Project:
- In the ground floor of every building
there are multi-purpose hall, guard room, reception lobby, driver’s waiting
room, toilet etc.
- Parking facilities in ground and
basement floor.
- In each building there is one main
stair and two fire stairs.
- Two 20 persons capacity Lifts, 250KVA
generator and 800 KVA sub-station in each building.
- 600mm×600mm mirror polished tiles in
apartment floor, decorated wall tiles, high quality local glazed porcelain
commode, glazed porcelain basin and qualitative other sanitary accessories in
all toilets.
- Best quality marble in the reception
lift lobby in the ground floor and 600mm×600mm mirror polished tiles for other
floor area such as lift lobby, Corridor, passages of each building.
- Plastic paint in internal wall and
weather coat paint in outside wall.
- Teak-Chambal wood for all door-frames,
ornament Teak wood main entry door shutter, solid particle veneer flush door
shutter for bed rooms and teak solid plain door shutter for toilet &
- High quality aluminum for sliding
- Glazed wall tiles and Granite working
top in kitchen.

As per the information’s provided on
the official web portal of RAJUK, the current progress of the RAJUK Uttara Apartment
- Block-A: Construction works of 79 Nos.
16 Storied Building at Block-A is almost completed. 6,636 nos. flats of this
block are being handed over to the allottee gradually.
- Block-B & C: Construction of 8,736
no flats in 104 nos 16-storied building in Block-B (52 nos building of 1250 sft
flat) and Block-C (52 nos building of 850 sft flat) of this project is under
process on G to G basis with the Government of Malaysia with their financial
and Technical assistance. Unfortunately, Government of Malaysia has not shown
their further sincere interest, its activities are suspended at this moment.
All the information’s has been
collected from the official website of RAJUK. Please visit their website for latest
update about RAJUK Uttara Apartment Project.
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